QWinOut 1045 3D RC-3D Propeller Paddle CW /CCW 1 Pair 10x4.5 Propeller Black Blade Props for RC Quadrocopter Multi-rotor Aircraft
Name: CW/CCW pitch propeller paddle 1045
Specifications: Diameter : 10 in. pitch of the propeller : 4.5 inches
Colors: black, red , white, fluorescent yellow , fluorescent
Propeller diameter : 25.4CM
Front center hole aperture : 6MM
Center hole opposite Aperture : 9MM ( This hole can be set into the paddle below the pad )
Centre Block Thickness : 6mm
Weight : 7g ( about / Single only )
Pitch ring group : x 7 ( n = 2 ) , paddle pads are 2MM 3MM 4MM 5MM 6MM 7.8MM
Description : fit different sizes of paddle clamp ring . Suitable for four -rotor aircraft or rotorcraft use . OUR suitable for all multi- rotor aircraft .
Distinction between positive and negative pitch :
Being on the paddle to paddle letter "L" mark, from the front paddles are rotated counterclockwise toggle airflow.
Anti paddle to paddle in the "R" letter mark, from the front to the anti- paddle clockwise toggle airflow.
Paddles and oars are counter- axis applications in four principles :
Multi- axis rotor aircraft manufacturers are installing four paddles , if that is the case with a rotating counterclockwise , four paddles will produce a counter-clockwise rotation of the spin torque , making the carrier the right to be the spin . Therefore, the spin axis in order to offset this positive on the use of two oars two anti- paddle, two paddle clockwise two pieces counterclockwise loop arrangement in accordance with a pair of paddles left twist , right twist one pair of paddles spin torque to offset paddle issued when rotated to the balance.