Distributor Program
Become Our Distributor It’s 100% free to join. Click join now start earning!
Here are the steps to join and earn commission:
- Step 1: Create an account
You could click
to create an account as our distributor.
You can have a distributor account for free, and get 5 usd commission immediately.
- Step 2: Get your coupon link
After creating an distributor account in QWinOut distributor program, you will be provided with coupon link.
- Step 3: You could share this coupon link to your friends/followers or for self referral.
Share the coupon link to your blog, facebook, twitter, forum and any other websites that you have followers.
NOTE: Coupon code is allowed to edit, once the coupon code changes, your coupon link will also change, update it to your social platform in time
Your friends will automatically enjoy 10% off discount when placing an order through the link (Also suitable for Self Referral), discount would take affect as the following pic:
The discounts will effectively help you promote your link.
Note: 1. The effectiveness of your sharing link is 90 days(Over 90 days, the commission will not take effect, you could share your link again)
2. It is recommended to attach the coupon code when sharing your coupon link. (When the link out of effectiveness, your friends also cold manually enter the coupon code to enjoy dicount. The coupon code is unique, if someone used your unique promotion coupon code, you will get a commission.)
- Step 4 (Optional): Only want to promote one specific product.
If you want to promote one specific product, you could paste the product's URL below to generate an affiliate link (Optional to add image by "Add File" button)
- Step 5 (Optional): Promote with QWinOut Coupon
If you want to promote with QWinOut coupon, you could share with the link blow and attach with coupon code:
- Step 6: Get the 5% commission for all of your referral order (Also suitable for Self Referral).
NOTE: commission is calculated based on the final payment amount of the referral order
- Step 7: Manage your commission
The commission is alowed to used on: Store Discount Coupon, Gift Card or PayPal
You could change the commission to Store Discount Coupon or Gift Card for shopping at any time. If you want to withdraw your mony to PayPal ( Minimum withdraw Payout Amount is 100 usd ) , please contact with us.
---------------------------------------- > > > Q & A < < < ----------------------------------------
Q1: What happens when you share the referral link?
A: When a customer purchases a product from the merchant's store using your referral link, you earn a commission on the sale.
Q2: How do coupon codes work?
A: We have already assigned a coupon code to you, you also could create new coupon code for promotion. When a your friends purchases a product from the QWinOut store using your coupon code, you earn commissions on it.
Q3: Only my friend place an order using my coupon code and through my shared link, can I get commission?
A: case 1: your friends place an order through your shared link
case 2: your friends place an order using your coupon code
case 3: your friends place an order using your coupon code and through your shared link
You can get commission in the above 3 cases. But your commission is calculated based on the final payment amount of the referral order (ie: Include discounts option)
Q4: Can I have multiple discount codes so I can share promotions?
A: Yes, we allow an affiliate to have multiple referral codes up to 10, plese contact with us to create the coupon code you want.
Q5: Why my commission of Self Referral Order is 0 usd?
A: If you place order with your referral coupon code, the the discount adjustment would deduct the commission, and QWinOut coupon code also would rise this issue.